1st of May and Feminism

Capitalism and Patriarchy – Intertwined
Capitalism and patriarchy form a symbiotic relationship in which they mutually reinforce each other. In the capitalist system, patriarchal structures push women into underpaid and precarious jobs, while patriarchy benefits from capitalism by exploiting women as cheap labour and undervaluing their work in the care economy. This close entanglement produces heightened exploitation and oppression of women in all areas of life.

How are class and gender intertwined?
Class and gender are both categories that determine a person’s opportunities, chances, and access within society. Classism and sexism are intertwined, determining that women and other marginalised genders represent the lower class in every stratum.
This is due to various factors, such as:

  • Gender-based division of labour (Care work)
  • Poorer chances in the job market (Gender pay gap)
  • Precarious employment conditions

What is care work?
At the centre of capitalist structures lies a gender-based division of labour. While women’s participation in the workforce has become the norm, it hasn’t led to an equal distribution of household and care work, also known as reproductive labour. Instead, care work has been outsourced to racialised women. Household chores remain primarily women’s work; they’ve merely been passed on. This is referred to as an „ethnicised redistribution of reproductive labour among women.“ Without these women, it would quickly become apparent that gender equality has not been achieved. However, their presence helps conceal this fact.

Why is care work viewed as „unproductive“?
As care work is unpaid, it appears—then as now—as an invisible and personal service in the private sphere. This is also referred to as the „invisible economy.“ While paid production work is highly valued, unpaid care work receives little societal recognition. It is seen as „unproductive“ and inferior, justifying lower pay.

Why do women have poorer job prospects?
Today, more women are in the workforce, facing a double burden due to having to take on care work. This results in fewer time resources for the job market. This is evidenced by the gender pay gap. The gender pay gap remains a stark reality, highlighting ongoing disparities in the workforce. Despite advancements, women consistently earn less than men, even for equivalent roles.

What characterises precarious employment for women?
Precarious employment conditions for women are characterised by low wages, insecure employment, and lack of social security. Many women work in part-time, mini-job, or temporary positions that offer little stability and are often not sufficient to make ends meet. This often leads to financial dependence and old-age poverty, as women have fewer opportunities to save for their future and earn a sufficient income.

How does racism play into this?
It’s crucial to understand that class and gender cannot be thought of without the category of race. All these categories are intertwined and mutually influence each other. Each plays a central role in the capitalist system, structuring our society and assigning a social place to each person based on these categories. Class, gender, and race form the basis of socio-political inequality.

How is feminism co-opted today?
Feminism has been co-opted by corporations to serve as a marketing tool and promote marketable ideals such as individualism and self-care. However, important feminist concerns such as systemic criticism and structural changes are often neglected. Companies use feminist slogans and imagery to sell products without supporting the profound social changes that are actually needed. This co-optation of feminism pushes critical discussions of gender equality and structural inequalities into the background, while promoting superficial and simplified representations of feminism.

How do we achieve systematic change?
If power and influence are not present as means for societal change, they must be fought for. This is best done collectively – in the form of collective activism, as individual action alone does not lead to systematic change. Therefore, social movements and forms of protest are the primary tools to enforce feminist interests. Examples include protests, community activism, or boycotts and strikes.


Roundtable Gespräch: Geld ist Politisch

Roundtable Gespräch: Die Frage zu dem Zugang zu finanziellen Ressourcen, den Entscheidungsträgern bei der Vergabe von Fördergeldern und der Definition von förderungswürdigen Projekten beeinflusst maßgeblich unsere Gesellschaft und gestaltet unsere zukünftige Entwicklung.

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Repression against feminist work in Germany

There is the alarming trend of state repression targeting marginalized communities and vital support systems in Germany.

We are committed to intersectional justice and therefore challenge systems of oppressive power. While facing ongoing challenges in securing sustainable funding, we remain committed to our values and to the responsibilities these involve. Hence, as vital support is taken from marginalised individuals and communities here, we cannot remain silent.

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BIWOC* Rising is the first intersectional co-working space & social club in Berlin and Germany. This safer space is exclusively for women, trans, inter and non-binary people who identify as Black, indigenous or of Colour! Through training programs, empowerment workshops, and a work-desk in the heart of Berlin-Kreuzberg, BIWOC* Rising is creating a new working culture – a working culture that transcends the white, homogenous, capitalist one that has been a core driver of gentrification and marginalization in Berlin.