
Film Screening: „Cinema After Liberation“

In our collaboration with the Anti Colonial Alliance Berlin & Cinelogue, we want to celebrate the Anticolonial Month 2021 with you by inviting you to our film screening and – discussion with Rehana Esmail, founder of Cinelogue, a collaborative online film streaming platform and a growing postcolonial film archive promoting critical dialogue about cinema, representation and politics.

Film Screening: „Cinema After Liberation“ Read More »

QTI*BIWOC Mentoring Event – Challenges and Growth in Entrepreneurship

In this event, our mentees will rotate to meet each of our mentors, representing different fields in the industry that should be covered to get an equipped ground start. Each mentee will be given the chance with each mentor to pitch their passionate business vision, leaving the event full of knowledge to feel confident on their path towards entrepreneurship.

QTI*BIWOC Mentoring Event – Challenges and Growth in Entrepreneurship Read More »