What we do

an intersectional coworking space and more

At BIWOC* Rising these are not simply buzzwords, but a way of life/or/work culture. We are building a strong/or/empowering sustainable community, that will create, in turn, safe spaces for the most vulnerable among us. As a first step, we make sure that the organizations, collectives and initiatives we work with, strive for social justice by setting an example themselves, i.e., are led by TIN*BIPOC/or/people from our marginalized communities. Together with them and our members, we lay the foundations for new structures that will lead to two key issues for a sustainable community: 1. financial independency, and 2. social participation. 

We are empowered by Audre Lorde’s statement that we can’t dismantle the master’s house with the master’s tools. So, we decided to create our own safer space – an alternative coworking space and social club that aren’t driven by capitalism, but by social justice. Here we support, teach, value and carry each other, so we can face and challenge racist and discriminatory systems, especially in our area of focus: the labor market and the workplace.

How we do this and what we offer

SAFER COWORKING SPACE: An intersectional coworking space that is desigened by and for our community 

COMMUNITY SPACE: for events and other gatherings within a safer space 

EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOPS: aimed at gaining more knowledge about structural and systematic discrimination and racism 

KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER: We value and share all forms of knowledge within our communities and work to maintain them for future generation.

REPRESENTATION: we only work with and hire BIW*oC and TIN*BIPoC to fight tokenism 

NETWORKING: not meant in the capitalistic way; to gain more visibility for our community as individuals and for their achievement 

EVENTS: such as screenings, panels, book readings, writing labs and more…

MENTORING: to learn and guide each other

AWARENESS WORKSHOPS: to make a space as safer as possible means self-reflection and the ability to unlearn- these are processes that help us fail upward

PODCAST: to preach beyond the choir, we bring to the air the conversations, new perspectives, ideas, and expertise that are shared in our space

VIDEOS: we want to raise awareness on certain topics beyond our close community and start new discourses