Strictly Business

Strictly Business #38: Cérise C. Carson

Who are you?
I am a proud Black queer demifemme, embracing the richness of my identity. Beyond my roles as Community Manager and Coach, I lead RESET MOM, a healing circle dedicated to supporting Black girls and women with eating disorders. As a survivor myself, this work holds deep personal significance. Navigating the intersections of work and mental health empowers me, cultivating a sense of inclusivity and empowerment within our community.

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Strictly Business #37: Viviane Camara & Jamilah Jasminum

Wir sind zwei der vier Gründungspersonen der ersten BIPoC Verlagsgesellschaft in Deutschland. Die Notwendigkeit für einen Verlag, welcher die unverfälschten Lebensrealitäten von BIPoC in Deutschland in den Mittelpunkt setzt, wurde für uns aus der Arbeit von Holla e.V., dem Zentrum für intersektionale Gesundheit und Gesellschafter*in von stolzeaugen.books, sichtbar.

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Strictly Business #36: Nanjing Deng

Who are you?
My great passion lies in creating sound offerings and empowering humans to express the voices of their souls through singing. I also have a deep love for working with the sacred touch, utilizing various massage techniques, Chinese acupressure, and acupuncture points. My purpose is to bring healing, following ancestral ways, not just to my own life, but also to my beloved ones and to our great Mother Earth.

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