H(Our) Realities – Episode #9 is out now on Refuge Worldwide!
Chancenungerechtigkeit von der Kita bis zum Job. Ein Gespräch mit RomaniPhen.
Using an intersectional lens, we sift through our inherent forms of discrimination against other marginalized groups. In this podcast episode, we focus on the disproportionate disadvantage of Sinti*zze and Rom*nja in workplaces and labor markets. Decolonizing spaces begins with decolonizing our perceptions.
On this occasion, we invited Svetlana and Hajdi from the Romani Feminist Archive RomaniPhen to ask us the following questions: How are Roma children marginalized in the education system? What resources already exist to combat racism?
Svetlana Kostić belongs to IniRromnja* and works as a project manager at the RomaniPhen Archive. During her studies (Social Work B.A.), as well as her work, she puts her focus and perspective on intersectionality. She is also a referent at Kinderwelten for prejudice-free education and upbringing in the daycare sector. And she is a mother of six.
Hajdi Barz is a racism-critical educator, active in the theory and practice of empowerment, and a founding member of RomaniPhen e.V. She has a teaching degree, but decided against practicing in schools in order to be able to act on it from the outside. She perceives school as a violent place and sees emancipatory self-organizations as birthplaces of empowering practice.
Thanks to Refuge Worldwide for your assistance and giving us this platform.