This season is a time of celebration. It’s a time to celebrate and honor the diversity, beauty and resilience of the LGBTQIA+ community, the people who came before us and paved our ways and the people who stand with us as allies. It’s a time to remember that Pride started as a riot – with Black trans* women and trans* women of color on the forefront.
Pride is more than a party.
Pride is about liberation.
Pride is a protest.
For equal rights, for reproductive rights, for safety, for dignity. Pride is a testament of the resistance against oppression, violence and neglect towards the LGBTQIA+ community – especially queer BIPoC.
BIPoC queers experience racism within the white LGBTQIA+ community including having the police being called on them, yet they are profiting of of the work from queer BIPoC. Right now Palestinian queers have our full support, as well as undocumented BIPoC queers from Ukraine and other countries, who are once again being criminalized by our so called „tolerant state“.
While for some Pride is their time of the year, an opportunity for them to exist authentically, to celebrate their love and their identities, others find it bittersweet. No matter if you’re out and proud, closeted or still figuring yourself out, shine bright and be safe.
Happy Pride Month 2022 ???️⚧️?️?

AGG Seminar: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für LGBTQIA+
Mit Hamza nehmen wir das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG) im Kontext der LGBTQIA+ Community genauer unter die Lupe!