Strictly Business #39: Luna Ersahin




» Who are you?
Hi, I’m Luna. I’m Danish. Kurdish. Turkish. Woman. Cis. 1.57cm. Queer. Poly. Capricorn sun. Pisces moon. Saggitarius rising. Born in 1995. Grew up on an island in DK. Moved out when I was 16. Speak: Danish, English, Turkish, German, Spanish, Swedish, French fluently and learned them in that order. Learning my father’s mother tongue Kurdish now. Love my family. Love the world. Hate the world. People say I’m ambitious and I agree. I’m a multiinstrumentalist. I’m efficient, not thorough though. I love folk music. I laugh and cry circa the same amount, and strive to. I’m scared of the future.

» Tell us about your music…
The foundation of my musical profile is based on being curious about my roots, both as a multi heritage person (and woman) as well as someone from the Diaspora. I’m born and raised in Denmark with a Danish mother and a Kurdish father (Bakur, Turkey). Having grown up with 3 languages, I’ve both experienced the richness of being multicultural as well as the deep, existential confusion that comes with it. Who am I? My whole mission comes from a voice in my heart from a child saying, why can’t we all get a long? And that’s what I’m trying to do with my music.

» How Did You Come to Do This Work?
I work hard and am dedicated. After many years of labor, I’ve realized that I can generate more work by being and doing what I want. Luckily, music is fun. It’s an endless universe, and I’ve grown to love it more and more. I’ve discovered that success doesn’t only come to the lucky ones but also to those who simply don’t stop.

» What struggles have you faced in relation to your work?
In relation to my work and life in general, I’m under systems that want to oppress me and systems that give me an advantage. I’m born in one of the richest countries in the world: a privilege. I’m born into a socioeconomically stable family (aka I never experienced poverty): a privilege. I’m beautiful: a privilege. Disadvantages: I’m a woman—I’m taught to be kind and caring, not badass and ambitious, unless I can be the only one on top. Sexism is not a joke. I’m a global majority person: racism is not a joke. I try to be mindful of my disadvantages as well as my privileges.

» How can we get insights in your work?
I share my musical journey with Aske Døssing and Carl Hosbond and our band AySay. We’ve played together since 2015, and it’s been quite the journey from small stages all around Denmark to playing the biggest festivals there. So check us out; we have two albums out: „Su Akar“ and „KÖY.“ And I’m quite proud of both!

» What’s the relation to intersectionality?
When I learned about intersectionality, it was like a huge burden was lifted from my shoulders. Finally, I had an argument for something I had only felt but couldn’t articulate. In my opinion, it might be the single most important concept to educate about, as it can prevent a lot of damage and injustices. Heyo, intersectionality!

Do you want to know more about Luna’s work?
Go check out their socials:
Luna’s Instagram
AySay’s Instagram
AySay’s Spotify



BIWOC* Rising is the first intersectional co-working space & social club in Berlin and Germany. This safer space is exclusively for women, trans, inter and non-binary people who identify as Black, indigenous or of Colour! Through training programs, empowerment workshops, and a work-desk in the heart of Berlin-Kreuzberg, BIWOC* Rising is creating a new working culture – a working culture that transcends the white, homogenous, capitalist one that has been a core driver of gentrification and marginalization in Berlin.