Workshop: How to Create Success Under Structural Inequality and Bias

How to Create Success Under Structural Inequality and Bias

with Raina Sun

🗓Wednesday, April 17th, 2:30pm – 5:30pm
📍at BIWOC* Rising, Dresdener Str. 11, 10999 Berlin
🗣The workshop will be in spoken English
💰 for free
(Black, Indigenous and Women* of Color) / (trans*/ inter*/ non-binary* people identifying as Black, Indigenous or of Color)

This group coaching session will help you develop the healthy and sustainable mindset(s) you need to succeed in an unfair world. We will explore perspectives that go beyond grinding and girl-bossing, and tap into your innate creativity and resourcefulness. This work includes creating a personal definition of success that affirms your inherent wholeness and worthiness, while unlearning the belief that you have to work to prove your value.

Raina Sun (she/her) is a career and business coach who specialises in helping marginalised folks define and create their own success. Her coaching combines practical tools, somatic approaches, and unlearning while drawing upon her experiences of immigrating from China to the U.S. and creating traditional success while studying at Stanford University and working in tech.

To reserve your spot, please send an e-mail to Nine: (places are limited).

Raina Sun’s Socials:


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BIWOC* Rising is the first intersectional co-working space & social club in Berlin and Germany. This safer space is exclusively for women, trans, inter and non-binary people who identify as Black, indigenous or of Colour! Through training programs, empowerment workshops, and a work-desk in the heart of Berlin-Kreuzberg, BIWOC* Rising is creating a new working culture – a working culture that transcends the white, homogenous, capitalist one that has been a core driver of gentrification and marginalization in Berlin.