Strictly Business #35: Asmaa B.A. Sbou

Asmaa B.A. Sbou // A creator. Artist. Coach. Designer. Scholar. Spiritual Warrior.

I am Asmaa, whose focus in work is to create, think differently, dare to dream radically, and hope for a change in me and around me. „Fühl dich vom Leben eingeladen zu empfangen“ is my mantra, which led me to study Economics to understand the system from the inside out. After those years, I listened a lot to Lauryn Hill and her Unplugged Album.

Obviously, I didn’t want to work for the capitalist system. So, I started some businesses, and one I am still running is my fashion label Sboutiful. I have been freelancing straight after university; my first and last 9-5 job was in Cape Town, South Africa, in 2010/2011. From there on, I trusted in life, trusted in Allah, and allowed myself to learn and try to accept without hesitating.

From a very early age, I questioned things or didn’t want to accept the norm. I started to be an outspoken child, a so-called rebel, with my teachers at school and a Schülersprecherin for the students. Being seen and talked about (discriminated against) was something I understood very early. I used it as a strength, which wasn’t easy but a working strategy for me. I had time to observe people around me, allowing me to see patterns and delve deeper into the human brain, as a hobby, of course.

Later in life, people kept telling me that I could be a good coach. My curiosity and my willingness for introspection led me to the path of my inner work. The step toward coaching others wasn’t big anymore.

So I try things out, I fail, I let go, I’m creating – with an amazing collective ORE Arts from Heidelberg and Mannheim. In between, I did all kinds of work, project management, curation for and in cultural and non-profit institutions. Now, I can share my thoughts, ideas, and creations, and we collectively discuss them in the collective. I learn more about community building and braver spaces. With Ore Arts, we perform, letting our bodies, minds, and spirits communicate non-verbally.

As a collective, we stand, and as an individual, I am grateful and humbled by experiencing life on a deeper level. Now, I am able to collect my experiences and see how all of it weaves in me.

I accept, I love, I listen, I create, I’m curious, and I want to learn. So please, teach and share with me the next time you see me. That’s me.

Do you want to know more about Asmaa’s (she/her) work? Go check out her account on Instagram and her fashion label, Sboutiful!


Strictly Business #12: Maque Pereyra

This month, we’d like to introduce you to Maque Pereyra. Maque is a multidisciplinary artist, dancer, and psychologist from Bolivia who works with an amazing decolonial and empowering yoga style called Yoggaton.

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Strictly Business #37: Viviane Camara & Jamilah Jasminum

Wir sind zwei der vier Gründungspersonen der ersten BIPoC Verlagsgesellschaft in Deutschland. Die Notwendigkeit für einen Verlag, welcher die unverfälschten Lebensrealitäten von BIPoC in Deutschland in den Mittelpunkt setzt, wurde für uns aus der Arbeit von Holla e.V., dem Zentrum für intersektionale Gesundheit und Gesellschafter*in von stolzeaugen.books, sichtbar.

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BIWOC* Rising is the first intersectional co-working space & social club in Berlin and Germany. This safer space is exclusively for women, trans, inter and non-binary people who identify as Black, indigenous or of Colour! Through training programs, empowerment workshops, and a work-desk in the heart of Berlin-Kreuzberg, BIWOC* Rising is creating a new working culture – a working culture that transcends the white, homogenous, capitalist one that has been a core driver of gentrification and marginalization in Berlin.